Accidental Riddles in the Invisible Dark (The Hobbit Read-Along, Chapter 5)

So many tricksy little accidents of great importance in “The Hobbit” that we begin to wonder whether they truly are accidents after all.

A Pilgrim in Narnia

This blog is part of The Hobbit Read-Along at The Warden’s Walk. I’ve been assigned Chapter 5: Riddles in the Dark. Feel free to comment on any of the blogs in the series.

Here is a riddle for you:

Besides food and ice, what have I got in my deepfreeze?

Give up? I don’t suppose it is a very fair riddle, and certainly isn’t a genuine riddle according to the ancient laws. Truly, a person could have just about anything in a deep freeze. I have an external hard drive that gets overheated, so twenty minutes of freezer time fixes it up. I once put a valuable hockey card in the freezer to get the gum off of it without ripping it. And I have a friend who freezes her credit card in a block of ice so it takes a long time to melt, ensuring her purchase…

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